UPDATE: The booking system is now open until the end of day Sunday 12th March.
This page contains details of how to book your appointment(s) for Parents’ Evening on 13th and 14th March 2017.
All parents/carers of children in foundation stage to year 6 are able to book a 10 minute appointment to see their class teacher. During the appointment, the class teacher will discuss your child’s progress since the last parents’ evening and any targets your child may be working towards.
It is important that appointments last no longer than 10 minutes. If you need to see your child’s class teacher to discuss a specific issue, which will take longer than your allocated appointment time, we will be more than happy to arrange an appointment after school on another date.
Appointments are also available with the SEN Adviser, Mrs Brown and the Family Support Officer, Mrs Annis.
In order to book your appointment, you will need access to our website and access to an email address.
To make a booking, complete the following steps:
1. Go to the school website http://www.stgregoryscatholicprimaryschool.org.uk/
2. Click on the Home tab.
3. Select the teacher you wish to book with.
4. Enter your name and your child's name.
5. Enter your email address, confirmation of your appointment will be sent to this address. Please check this is entered accurately before submitting your appointment request.
6. Select the day and time of appointment.
7. Please check the details you have entered are correct before clicking submit.
8. Repeat the process for each child you need to make a booking for.
NOTE: To ensure you can spend the full 10 minutes with your children’s teachers please leave a gap of at least 10 minutes between the end of one appointment and the beginning of the next.
Remember to book promptly as the most popular appointments are likely to be taken up first. Please ensure you complete your booking(s) by Thursday 9th March as the booking system will close after this date.
If you require assistance in making your booking(s) Mrs Annis will be available on Wednesday 8th March between 9 – 10 am and on Thursday 9th March between 3 - 3:45 pm. Please contact the school office to be allocated a time.