At St Gregory’s, our mission statement states that we walk together in the light of the Lord. This means that we need to learn about our faith and then act on what we know. As such, each year group have been allocated a special mission that they will carry out throughout the rest of this academic year. The aim is that our children will recognise and care for the people in their community, especially those who are vulnerable and in need of love and compassion.
Our Year 2 children have taken up the role of prayer buddies. They will write a prayer and pray for a different intention every month. They will do this because in the Gospel of Mark (Mark 11:24) Jesus says: ‘I tell you therefore: everything you ask and pray for, believe that you have it, already, and it will be yours’.
The prayer for January is below, please pray with us and support our Year 2 pupils in their mission to pray for their intentions.
A prayer for peace
Ever loving Father,
We pray that our world becomes a place of peace, happiness and kindness so that we can live in harmony and unity with one another.
We pray that there will no longer be sadness and wars in our world and that your light will shine upon us each and every day.
We ask that it is fair for everyone in our world so that peace can reign amongst us.
Bringer of Peace, you taught us to love one another as you loved us and so, we ask you to guide us and protect us from sorrow and unhappiness in our journey of faith.
St Gregory, pray for us.