We would like to say a huge thank you to the staff and all the families that joined us while supporting the Friends of Eastfield Park on Saturday 6th April, during their 'Spring Clean'. It was a wonderful way to do something for others in our local community during our Lenten journey.
Many that supported on the day had not been to the park for a long while and had forgot quite how big or beautiful it is. The event was very well organised by the Friends of Eastfield Park (FOEP) and Northampton Borough Council.
"We received this world as an inheritance from past generations, but also as a loan from future generations, to whom we will have to return it!” Pope Francis, Ecuador 2015.
Thank you again to all who attended, your efforts were very gratefully received by FOEP and we are so proud to have so much support that the school was represented at both the morning and afternoon session.
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